As a social media marketing agency, we’re experienced in both organic and paid social media. We focus on content strategy, content creation, media strategy, community management and influencer management. We’re also an experienced Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Quora and Twitter ads management company.
Before we film any content or record audio, we decide on the stories that will engage your audience in amongst the myriad of other brand stories being told at the same time. We write and design lots of different scripts and storyboards so we can shoot and record lots of content in a single day. Then, we decide on the best social media platforms to distribute the content in order to reach the biggest and most relevant audiences for your products and services.
We are experts at creating custom audiences in Ads Manager and creating Facebook campaigns that deliver results.
As part of the Facebook display network, we provide Instagram Ads Management services to increase awareness for business products and services.
We use YouTube to engage new and existing audiences with video content and digital advertising campaigns.
We provide paid Linkedin campaigns for businesses who want to target specific companies, industries and job roles within the Linkedin database.
We help businesses manage Twitter accounts and provide Twitter Ads Management to reach new users.
With the massive uptake in Tik Tok membership, we’ve recently extended our social media management services to include Tik Tok for businesses who primarily want to reach younger audiences.
Our videographers and graphic designers work closely with our digital strategist to come up with a bank of relevant content that contributes to the overall digital ecosystem we create for your brand. The content we create feeds in to overall digital marketing objectives and sales funnels. The content generates awareness, educates consumers, increases consideration and drives sales for your business. We’re experts at creating content that not only engages audiences but also delivers on your brand strategy objectives.
Although Facebook and Instagram are often considered first when running paid social media campaigns, we also provide social media services across Pinterest, Quora, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Reddit and Tumblr – providing social media reach for business who want to engage audiences across multiple social media accounts.
We use a variety of software and social media platforms including Hootsuite to provide community management and social listening services for businesses who want to engage with their audiences on a regular basis. We are experts at responding to customers and integrate AI to moderate content and hide negativity, hate, spam and complaints in real time.
We use BuzzSumo, Hootsuite, Instagram hashtags and other social media platforms to research and engage relevant influencers to increase awareness and most importantly consideration for your products and services. For larger influencer marketing campaigns, we can also use Tribe Dynamics for extensive social listening and monitoring. Our influencer marketing campaigns we have created for Daytona Motorsport have generated a 600% return on investment to date, and continue to grow.
Facebook and social media analytics are a vital component of any social media strategy, in order to properly measure the effectiveness of, and implement improvements to, campaigns. We can provide automated facebook analytics reports measuring a variety of metrics including engagement, reach, impressions, cost per result, cost per click, conversion rates and other relevant measurement results.